Célébration fête de noêl anglais

In England, Christmas is a widely celebrated holiday with various traditions and customs. Some common ways the English celebrate Christmas include:

1. Decorating the Christmas tree: Many families in England decorate a Christmas tree with lights, ornaments, and tinsel.

2. Christmas markets: Throughout December, Christmas markets pop up in towns and cities across England, offering a variety of festive goods, food, and drinks.

3. Christmas caroling: Carol singers can be heard in the streets and at events, singing traditional Christmas carols.

4. Christmas dinner: A traditional Christmas dinner in England typically includes roast turkey, stuffing, roast potatoes, Brussels sprouts, and gravy.

5. Christmas crackers: These festive paper tubes are pulled apart to reveal a small gift, a paper hat, and a joke or riddle.

6. Sending Christmas cards: It is common for people in England to send Christmas cards to friends and family to spread holiday cheer.

7. Watching Christmas TV specials: Many people in England enjoy watching Christmas-themed TV shows and movies during the holiday season.

Overall, Christmas in England is a time for family gatherings, festive decorations, delicious food, and spreading joy and goodwill.

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