Chats célèbres dans la littérature
Il y a de nombreux dialogues célèbres dans la littérature, voici quelques-uns des plus connus :
1. "To be, or not to be: that is the question" - Hamlet de William Shakespeare
2. "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife" - Orgueil et Préjugés de Jane Austen
3. "All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way" - Anna Karénine de Léon Tolstoï
4. "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times" - Un conte de deux villes de Charles Dickens
5. "I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will" - Jane Eyre de Charlotte Brontë
6. "The only way to deal with a world you can't trust is to trust it blindly" - Le Bruit et la Fureur de William Faulkner
7. "The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars" - Sur la route de Jack Kerouac
Ces citations illustrent la diversité des styles et des thèmes présents dans la littérature.